Registration Package
Registration includes (2) 6 foot tables. Feel free to bring additional tables if needed. Black linen for (2) tables, small plates, napkins, forks and spoons will be provided. Table signage will be provided.
Expectation of Participants
Location assignments are determined by the Taste Staff after all setup needs are considered. However last year's winners may indicate a preference for location.
Under these conditions, the vendor agrees to indemnify and hold harmless Black Expo and the South Carolina Black Pages from any and all liability for damages, injury or loss to any person or goods for any reason. The vendor is solely responsible for his/her location space and cooking operation.
Limited running water, refrigeration or storage is available.
Chafing burners or other warmers are permitted. No open flames are allowed.
Each chef is expected to send in a photo and logo for use in marketing materials and promotion. Photos and logos are to be submitted to expo@thomasmediacorp.com upon registration.
High resolution photos only. Please submit photos and logos as soon as possible. Participants are encouraged to provide promotional materials for distribution during the event. Participants are asked to donate at least one door prize (to be given out during the Black Expo) to further promote your business. Provide menu as soon as possible. A minimum of 600 servings of at least 2-3 oz. portions of your 2-3 featured menu item(s). Please provide the holder for your forks, spoons, napkins, etc. (The number of servings may increase.) Vendor staff to prepare and serve food. A total of 3 staff, including the registered chef, is allowed.
Chefs will not be permitted to enter the venue until after 5:00 PM. Each chef and their staff should be present and unloaded, ready to enter the venue by 5:30 PM. Participants are expected to have their booth completely set up no later than 7:00 PM and be ready to serve by 7:30 PM. Participants are not permitted to take down their booth prior to 9:30 PM.
All vendors must provide your own equipment, serving utensils, chafing dishes, etc. (no disposable aluminum pans, please), water and ice required to prep, hold and serve food. Delivery and pick up of all equipment as well as trash removal is vendor's responsibility. Please contact us immediately should you not be able to participate.
Promotion through several media channels such as advertising, E-Blast, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Black Expo Website, etc.
A total of three (3) passes, including the registered chef, are available for staff. Additional tickets for additional staff can be purchased online or at the door. Please keep in mind, this is an opportunity to raise funds for a local charity. Purchase additional tickets here.
Listing in the event program booklet. NEW!! Winners in each category will receive $1,000. Please feel free to call or email: expo@thomasmediacorp.com
We look forward to seeing you in March!
Hold Harmless
Location assignments are determined by the Taste Staff after all setup needs are considered. However last year's winners may indicate a preference for location.
THIS HOLD HARMLESS AND RELEASE AGREMENT (this “Agreement”) is made effective as of this day of electronic submission (the “Effective Date”), by (“Vendor”) in favor of Black Pages International, a South Carolina nonprofit (the “TASTE OF” BLACK COLUMBIA), and THOMAS MEDIA GROUP (TMG) doing business as the BLACK EXPO and the SOUTH CAROLINA BLACKPAGES.
WHEREAS, Vendors intends to participate in one or more events at The Black Expo Event (the “Event”), which will include the preparation and provision of items of food and /or drink at the Black Expo (“Event”) without the assistance of Black Pages International , Thomas Media Group and any of its entities.
NOW THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the Black Pages International, TMG and the South Carolina Black Pages agreement not to object to Vendor’s participation in the Event and promises, covenants, indemnities and agreements contained herein, and other good and valuable consideration, the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged, Vendor agrees as follows:
1. To the fullest extent permitted under law, Vendor does hereby covenant and agree, without limitations, to indemnify, release and hold Black Pages International, TMG and South Carolina Black Pages, their members, officers, directors and representatives harmless, of, from, and against any and all claims, actions, damages, injures, losses, liabilities and expenses (including penalties, taxes, attorneys’ fees and other professional fees), judgments, settlement payments, and fines of any nature whatsoever, whether actual of alleged, resulting from, or arising out of , or in any way connected with the Vendor’s participation and activities at or related to the Taste of Black ( the “Event”), including but not limited to, those resulting from or arising out of the Vendor’s preparation and provision of items of food and drink at the venue in connection with the Taste of Black Event. Vendor’s obligations pursuant to this section shall survive indefinitely.
2. Vendor understands and acknowledges that Black Pages International, TMG and South Carolina Black Pages and all of its entities have no responsibility for the quality, preparation or storage of any food or beverages to be sampled or dispensed by Vendor in conjunction with the Event. Vendor must comply with all laws, rules, and regulations applicable to the purchase, storage, and preparation or dispensing of the food and beverage products in conjunction with the Event.
3. This Agreement is governed buy and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of the State of South Carolina, without regard to its choice of law provisions.